+27 71 551 1949 / 079 512 3921 bookings@augrabiesbackpackers.co.za

things to do in and around


These amazing photos of the Augrabies Falls, a mere 10km from Augrabies Backpackers, were taken by Susan Kriel.  Augrabies or “Aukoerebis” as referred to by the Khoi, means “place of great noise”. If you’ve ever seen the falls in full force you will know exactly what they mean.   The falls are enclosed by the Augrabies National Park. Take a day, get a picnic basket from us and discover the enchnting beauty of the Green Kalahari.

The park boasts these inhabitants. The list is by no means exhaustive:
Antelope: klipspringer, steenbok, springbok, gemsbok, kudu and eland. Of course no park is complete without its predators: leopard, black backed jackals, caracal, bat eared fox, African wild cat, and the elusive leopard. Other animals include:  giraffe, dassies, the colourful Broadley’s (Augrabies) flat lizard. Birds include: African fish eagle, Black Stork, Double-banded courser, Kori bustard and the Martial eagle


falls at night

While in the Park…

While visiting the Augrabies Falls National Park

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1 Queen Bed

1 Queen Bed

1 Queen Bed

1 Queen Bed

Winter Rates

Average $405/night

Divi Luxury Resort

1234 Divi St. San Francisco, CA 29351

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(221) 462-2351

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